Picture Perfect Plants
Smartphone Photography course with Jay Barker
Learn the tips, tricks and skills to take stunning flower and garden photographs with your 'always at hand' smartphone camera. Jay will guide you through exploring composition, lighting and editing techniques to help you create beautiful, professional looking images. If you love flowers, gardens, fresh air and want to capture the beauty with stunning photos, this course is designed for you. Turn your flower garden into a stunning photo gallery!
Dates for these one-day courses in 2024 include:
Location Date
Lowther Castle Gardens, Penrith Saturday 23 March
Holehird Gardens, Windermere Thursday 25 April
Lowther Castle Gardens, Penrith Thursday 13 June
Holehird Gardens, Windermere Saturday 14 September
To find out more and book your place on one of these courses, please visit: https://www.nrtraining.co.uk or phone: 07940151563