National Collection – Hosta Mouse Series
Hosta Mouse Series was awarded National Collection status by Plant Heritage in September 2022.
This delightful collection of cultivated small and miniature hosta, are displayed in pots in a purpose built plant theatre alongside other ‘little’ hostas planted in a raised bed. It is located outside the walled garden, next to the Nicholson bed and can be enjoyed from April to September.
The first hosta mouse in this series, Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ was introduced in 2002, a sport of Hosta ‘Blue Cadet’. Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ have thick, rubbery blue-green leaves on stout petioles that curl inward, a little bit like a mouse’s ear! There are over 70 cultivars in this series to collect, all with different leaf size, colour and characteristics.
Holehird Gardens have a historical link with Beatrix Potter as her family rented the mansion in 1889 and 1895. We think she would love our National Collection of mice as she kept a pet mouse named Xarifa and wrote her popular books about mice - Johnny Town Mouse, Mrs Tittlemouse, the Tailor of Gloucester and Two Bad Mice.
Plant Heritage
Plant Heritage, formerly The National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens (NCCPG), is the co-ordinating charity behind the National Plant Collection scheme. Its aims are to conserve, document, promote and make available the great diversity of garden plants for the benefit of horticulture. The Lakeland Horticultural Society work collaboratively with Plant Heritage, there are now almost seven hundred National Collections around the United Kingdom.