Spring is full of delights, keenly appreciated whatever challenges the winter weather has thrown at us.
Spring bulbs will be found throughout the Gardens. The early snowdrops give way to a succession of daffodils, tulips, alliums and martagon lilies. The upper meadow is a wonderful sight in early spring, carpeted with Narcissus pseudonarcissus, a native wild daffodil. Cultivated daffodils planted throughout the Gardens multiply year on year, while the tulips in the Walled Garden are replaced every year to give a fresh and vibrant display.
The hellebores which started flowering in winter will still be seen, particularly in the Davidia Bed and the Winter Border, which still has plenty of interest, including many pulmonarias. Spring is the best time to look closely at the alpines in the Rock Garden, as well as the choice specimens highlighted in the Alpine Display House.
As spring progresses, the rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias provide a background tapestry of colour to the Upper Garden, while specimen trees such Magnolia 'Caerhays Surprise' in the Walled Garden are a singular delight.
May is the time when the National Collection of Meconopsis, large blue Himalayan poppies, is at its best. Look out for the massed planting in trial beds in the Paddock, as well as in the mixed planting in the Courtyard and other areas of the Gardens.